ALS algorithm

- Cardioversion failure – next steps

It’s important to know what to do if cardioversion fails to terminate the tachyarrhythmia.
A clinician administering a synchronised shock.

If cardioversion fails to terminate the arrhythmia, and adverse features persist:

  • give the patient amiodarone 300 mg IV over 10-20 min
  • attempt further synchronised cardioversion

The loading dose of amiodarone may be followed by an infusion of 900 mg over 24 h, given into a large vein (preferably via central venous cannula).

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See chapter 11 of the ALS manual for further reading about the tachycardia algorithm.

Algorithm: The tachycardia algorithm

The tachycardia algorithm is available in chapter 11 of the ALS manual.
The tachycardia algorithm is available in chapter 11 of the ALS manual.


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