ALS algorithm

- Summary

You have reached the end of this case study on treating a patient with anaphylaxis.
A doctor and a patient.

Here is a summary of the key points:

These items are key modifications to the ALS approach that you will need to remember:

  • Use the ABCDE approach to recognise anaphylaxis
  • Anaphylaxis causes a rapid onset of life-threatening airway, breathing or circulation problems usually associated with skin/mucosal changes
  • IM adrenaline is the treatment of choice
  • Give IV fluids and bronchodialtors as necessary
  • Antihistamine and steroids are second line drugs for anaphyalxis
  • Follow standard ALS guidelines if cardiac arrest occurs

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See chapter 12 of the ALS manual for further reading about Special Circumstances.

Essentials: The ABCDE Approach

The ABCDE Approach
The ABCDE approach: Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability and Exposure.

Algorithm: Anaphylaxis algorithm

Anaphylaxis algorithm.
Anaphylaxis algorithm.


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