ALS algorithm

- A new patient

A patient, Robert Jobbs, has walked into the Emergency Department (ED) complaining of feeling tight chested. Mr Jobbs is an American tourist on holiday in the UK. He tells you that he has a nut allergy and is sure that he could taste nuts in the meal he has just eaten.
Robert Jobbs – a middle-aged American tourist.

When you examine the patient, there is little abnormal to find apart from a slightly increased respiratory rate.

You follow the ABCDE (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure) approach and note the following:

A : Clear

B : RR 18 min-1

C : P 90 min[sup]-1[/sup], BP 110/60 mmHg

D : Alert, anxious

E : Normal

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See chapter 12 of the ALS manual for further reading about Special Circumstances.

Essentials: The ABCDE Approach

The ABCDE Approach.
The ABCDE approach: Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability and Exposure.

Algorithm: Anaphylaxis algorithm

Anaphylaxis algorithm.
Anaphylaxis algorithm.


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